
"An optimistic look at the magic of life." -- Kirkus Reviews
"5-Star Soul Candy!" -- Grady Miller, Author
Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer

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About the Author


Marsha began her professional career as a scrub nurse in open-heart surgery, but her gypsy spirit wouldn't leave her alone. At 23 she walked away from that life to travel and seek new adventures - and she found them all over the world! She worked as an art director, stage manager and film editor, but realized (quite by accident!) that she had a knack for selling creative projects. She then produced marketing films and elaborate Corporate Theatre presentations for IBM, Coca-Cola, Revlon, Georgia-Pacific and Domino's Pizza among others.

This led the way to developing and producing a full theatrical production, "Letters From the Front," the only professional play to tour American military bases around the world. Her travels took her to Germany, England, Belgium, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Japan, Guam and the Indian Ocean, plus virtually every major city in the states including those in Alaska and Hawaii - all with her kid in tow.

This heartfelt show touched hundreds of thousands of lives, toured 15 years and was the first play ever to perform in the Pentagon. The daunting process of getting this never-been-done-before production off the ground and onto a worldwide stage gave her a keen awareness of what it takes to overcome life's obstacles and find the miraculous in the commonplace.

This one-of-a-kind theatrical production and dozens of award-winning documentaries were produced alongside her writer/director husband, Robert Rector, under the banner of Rector-Roberts Productions.

Marsha is currently working on her second Mutinous Baby Boomer book and loves to hear from other mutinous Boomers about what they liked about her book. Contact Marsha through this website or through Facebook or Twitter.

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